As told before, I like leather goods.. Especially handbags, totes, clutches, wallets etc.. I honestly think handbags are a girls best friend! A nice handbag is a finishing touch depending on a girl’s outfit. In one of my first posts I was writing about my thoughts considering buying a handbag. Most of all, I like the bag to be made out of genuine leather because of the quality. Although, when I spot a very nice, sophisticated and trendy bag that’s made out of polyester I won’t leave the shop before buying it;)
During my trip in New York I settled a goal for myself.. I wanted a handbag that suits my taste and is exclusive in Europe. Since a lot of designers and brands are located in the US, this was the ultimate place to shop. Especially Macy’s is like a big paradise filled with bags! I loved to see the bags from designers you wouldn’t walk into that quickly in Europe, like Jessica Simpson, Steve Madden, Ivanka Trump, Michael Kors, Coach, and many more..
I spotted so many nice designs! And the prices were extremely low compared to the Dutch retail prices..
In the back of a shelf in the wall, I found a handbag from Steve Madden. It was exactly the shape, colour and design I was looking for.. Mission completed! Well, not for me.. I found a nice bag for this season and was very pleased with it, but I was still thinking about buying a designer handbag. I have been keeping an eye on the collection of Michael Kors and I absolutely love his designs. In Holland the bags aren’t really affordable, but since Michael is an American designer, the exchange rate was ridiculously low and Bloomindales offered me a 10% discount, mission 2 was completed.. I found my first designer bag made out of genuine leather (yes;)) and a lovely design, wearable all year long!
Mission NY completed;) |
At this moment I am daily using the Steve Madden bag, because it gives you that summer feeling with the colours and material, but soon I will have the MK bag hanging on my arms, walking proudly trough the Dutch streets!
Handbag collection.. Still a few missing! |
Diamonds are temporary, handbags are forever!;)
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