I've always liked leather goods like bags, jackets, belts, etc.. I like the con-structure and quality of this fabric and it has an exclusive look. The funny thing with leather is that when you buy it, it doesn't fit you, it feels quite stiff or the look isn't the way you want it yet.. Thats why you have to use and use it until one day it will look the best and the quality lasts for years! If you have read my blog about bag-madness (it's in Dutch though..) you know i like to buy bags with a special story behind the purchase.. That's why i prefer to buy leather bags and wallets for good quality and exclusive radiation.
In my opinion, a bag tells me something about the girl who owns it.. Is it well taken care of and purchased with a good sense of fashion? Or did she just buy the bag for handy carrie- on and facility..
For some time i am thinking on producing my own line of leather goods like bags, wallets, clutches and organizers made from good quality leather and an luxury, trendy and exclusive look. Some products are nice to buy as a present. For example, an organizer with a unique say that contribute to the person you want to buy the organizer for.
To realize that, i first want to explore the needs and wants of Dutch woman concerning leather goods. I found a challenge with a Dutch fashion website where you can be in the running for owning your own webshop.
I decided to take the challenge and made my plan clear on the website plus designed my own logo for the company and eventually the brands' name: Mink.. The webshop will sell different leather goods like bags, wallets and organizers made from the best leather, quality and by trendy brands.
Also, there will be offered some accessories like romantic and feminine jewelry where the collection will be changed quickly because of the high speed in trends.. That way you can combine a nice piece of jewelry with a just purchased leather bag or clutch..
The thing with webshops is that its easy to manage and start because of the low cost maintenance.. However, when i purchase a bag or anything fashionable, i like to feel the quality, size and, not important, color.. That always seems to be wrong when a delivery eventually arrives at my home. Thats why i want to organize some exclusive personal events where ladies can feel the quality of the goods and are able to take their purchase home right away, after a nice evening of fun, bites and shopping.. How to realize this event, I will keep it for myself for some time because of the exclusivity..;)
Of course this is all a plan that has been on my mind for a long time on paper, but it's a start right? Every good idea start with some random thoughts which you have to write down on paper!
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Always worth a try, right?
Ik heb op je gestemt! Ik zie nu net dat je uit Ede komt, wat leuk daar woon ik ook! =D